Full Moon | June 21, 2024 | 1 Capricorn 7’
Friendly universe, or not so much?
The Sun is in Cancer—sign of emotional security. The overall tone or vibe of the chart is Cancer, and therefore, the concerns are more personal. Uppermost are concerns about our personal safety and the well-being of those closest to us, who we naturally seek to protect. The Full Moon in Capricorn is impersonal and bureaucratic. We can find ourselves in the world of duality and opposites, the world of versus. Inner vs. outer, dark vs. light, safe vs. threatened. Since the Sun and Moon are in feminine signs, we might experience more of our vulnerable nature. The Sun and Moon square Neptune can cause us to chant, “Lions and tigers and bears—oh my.” People in power threaten those in weaker positions—oh my! News of climate change and record hot temperatures—oh my. What, if anything, to do?
The Sun in Cancer is in a tense relationship with Pluto in Aquarius. The tender are tested by forces that appear to be uncaring and ruthless. We might think of Pluto as barreling through—stopping at nothing. This full might carry tension that feels like “me against an uncaring world.”
I found myself stewing over racism and sexism when I read about two Black teenage girls who produced a trigonometric solution for the Pythagorean Theorem which was considered to be impossible. I noticed that the article about their feat in the Scientific American, in its opening referred to them only as teens, specifying neither their gender nor their race. I went off on a tangent about this. The transiting Moon was in Cancer at the time and the transiting Sun in Gemini was square Saturn, the planet of the establishment.
Then, as the Sun moved toward full, I moved toward feeling fearful about my dentist’s estimation for the amount it would cost me to have dental work. By the way, Cancer rules the gums.
I thought I was being objective in my examination of racism and sexism, and while I wrote in my journal that I could look at the matter involving the teens and Scientific American from a position of power, I would say that I did not accomplish that. I really got into frustrated power and my first encounter with the dentist did not find me calm and assertive.
Remember that the Full Moon is a culmination of that which began at the New Moon. At first, I did not recognize the connection between my general feeling about power that occurred days before, and the state of my mind during my dental visit. This Full Moon squares Neptune which would contribute to me and others feeling like a potential victim.
Notice if power issues arise and you feel like prey.
Notice what state of mind worrisome thoughts bring up that take away your strength and promote fear and inadequacy. Notice when fear arises from power issues. The more you hiss and bite at the power you are afraid of, the more that power looms with monstrosity. Instead, use fear to clarify your desires Actually, the fear’s presence serves to call out, articulate, and embody that which you would love to be, do, see, and have. Affirm that you live in a friendly universe that supports you even if your eyes say that is not true. Over time, you will see that is so.
“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.” – Albert Einstein