Full Moon | 10 Pisces 12’
September 1, 2020, PDT | September 2, 2020, EDT | 10 Pisces 12’
The founding fathers did not believe in the future. They believed it in. — Robert Frost
Begin as if that which you desired were already accomplished. I did this with a project I had to complete and submit recently. I had begun with great enthusiasm. Then I found myself unable to move forward. My feet had gotten cold. This is a great metaphor for the Moon in Pisces. There was not much inner dialog associated with my condition. I just sat around feeling lumpy and dumpy and not even opening a page on the computer to begin work. Instead I streamed TV shows on my computer.
But I was not wholly unconscious. A little analysis, Sun in Virgo, made it easy to see that doubt was seeping in. I repeated to myself the words of Alexander Hamilton in Lin Manuel’s musical, “I’m not gonna blow my shot.”
I hit upon the idea to begin at the end as I had heard Neville Goddard speak of it on YouTube. I pretended that it was the end of the day and I was going to bed early with a satisfied mind and an overflowing heart. The project was completed. I saw myself as I would like to see myself. I saw myself elated that the project had gone so well and flowed forth so easily.
My introduction to Neville Goddard earlier this year was his treatise around the importance of feeling. How would you feel if you had what you want to have? Play the feeling, not the details of the manifestation. Pisces is about feeling. Do you feel faithful or are you fearful and trembling? Is your analytical mind critical of your efforts, saying, “Girl, please; you can’t do that, be that have that!”
I felt so good about my story of completion, that when I read it aloud to my morning writing group, complete with my enthusiastic feelings, some responded as if it was done and I almost corrected them, but I took it as a sign that my projection was successful and I didn’t need to cut the magic with the real.
In the next several hours I got the project done, submitted, and accepted. The work indeed flowed easily and excitedly. I went to bed early that night feeling accomplished, joyous, and full of power.
By the way, the Sun was in Virgo conjunct my natal Saturn in Virgo as this story unfolded and Virgo is a notorious procrastinator. Virgo gives itself the message, be perfect or do not be. Then it bogs down in details and does not emerge. Mars was also square Saturn. This is action coming up against form and fear and limitation. This is doing what you have always done and not breaking through your own limiting traditions. The tone of this full moon chart is Capricorn. Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn are opposed Venus in Cancer. Do not create drab tales of inadequacy and imperfection.
Feel the brand-new day into existance.
Begin at the end. Make up a story about what you want to be or do or have. Believe that it is an accomplished fact and tell the story of you feeling so good about it. Do you think that you cannot do this pretend silliness? Do you not pretend your end all the time? Do you not say, "It will never happen the way I want it to happen? I will not get it. I will not win. I am going to lose."
That is just default storytelling based on your habitual turn of mind. The Moon in Pisces is conjunct Neptune, planet of fantasy, so you will be telling yourself stories. Why tell a story of disillusionment, disaster, or defeat? That future that you are worried about is not here, so why not use here to begin at the end, at the dream realized. Begin with the miracle happening. Begin with the thrill of victory.
“The game of life is a game of solitaire. As you change, all conditions will change.” — Florence Scovel Shinn