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State your Pleasure

Writer's picture: Inez SingletaryInez Singletary

Updated: May 7, 2020

Breakthrough by Deborah singletary

Full Moon | May 7, 2020 | 17 Scorpio 20’

Harriet Tubman, called Moses because she liberated hundreds of slaves said, “I talk to God and God talks to me.” This would make her a mystic, represented by Neptune in Pisces. I define a mystic as one who has a direct experience with that which is called God and is an intelligent, guiding force. This is not just for certain people anymore. It is not for everyone. It is for you. You live, move, and have your being hooked up to the sublime in a manner that sustains you in sickness and in health.

It is time for as many of us as possible to tap into our inner mystic—to make practical use of this ability. It is time to move into the reality of a spiritual word that is accessible and useful.

We feel the presence of the mysterious and unseen. We feel something individually that brings us together. Maybe for one brief shining moment that must be recalled in the heart, we feel an unmistakable connection with our fellow human beings. The Sun in Taurus harmonizes with Neptune in Pisces. We tune in to something deeper and higher and feel a sense of unity and common humanity. Experience the inexplicable but undeniable. Let what you feel speak and inform. Trust yourself.

You might still be tempted to get embroiled in a fight outside of yourself. Everyone does not have to agree with you, and you need not worry that someone else’s bad behavior is going to impinge upon you unless you let it. As Michael Singer, quoted in the previous lunation said, you have complete control over your mind and emotions, but you weaken and lose this control when you get into skirmishes about other people’s ideas. (Mercury square Sun). If you find those you argue with recalcitrant in their views, establish confidence in your own viewpoint and another will not be able to dislodge you. You need not try to dislodge them either.

The Universe likely has a message for you that you will know is your own, tailored to you. With this message, you might become a messenger, bearing witness to heretofore unrecognized truths. The North Node has entered Gemini for the next 18 months. Stand guard at the doorway of your mind. Banish any thinking which undermines you by making you feel as if you have a deficiency. If you feel badly, ask yourself what you are thinking. If the thought makes you feel bad, know that it cannot be right. Some conditioned beliefs need to be transcended, like the belief that you cannot access the higher powers directly or truly count on them in a pinch.

For example, you are worried about your finances and you see yourself not having enough. You think that there is nothing else that you can think except of falling through the cracks. You are thinking that life might fail you. Why not think that life might surprise you by an abundance of whatever you desire? That thought feels better, doesn’t it? Think, what if my worry is completely unnecessary? Why spoil today worrying about tomorrow?


Get into the habit of listening to and for your inner teacher and private instruction. You might ask, for example, “What does this Full Moon in Scorpio mean to me personally? You can ask in meditation. If you get an impression or a thought, write it down. If you do not get an answer during your session, close the session with the knowledge that you might get a “download” when you least expect it. Make sure a pen and notebook are close at hand.

If you do not keep a journal. Start one. Write about anything that concerns you or interests you. Write about the things you appreciate in your life. Don’t be surprised if something occurs to you that illuminates what you are focused on.

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