New Moon | January 29, 2025 | 9 Aquarius 51’
Once upon a time in a land far, far away, dwelt a people who were connected to their Inner Teacher, and thereby connected to others through rivers and streams of consciousness that led to one point at the middle. The people were a tribe that was an overlay above the chaos. They could be geographically distant, but consciously united. They were in communication without conscious communication. It was a matter of being. Nothing could disconnect them from their center. No wind, nor rain, nor winter cold could cause them to forget that all is well, and so they lived in peace.
They had upsets and disappointments, but they were not derailed by them. They would not be intimidated by outer circumstances. They would understand always that their one purpose was to remain centered with their inner ear trained to the voice that would show them the way out of bondage.
They lived in the midst of a mad world where misinformation and disinformation abounded and was potentially a major source of conflict. Some of the reports they heard were profoundly frightening. They were told that they had chosen, supposedly by a majority, to have their country run by an ogre in a suit who was, by all reports, running rampant and rabid. No one took to heart the discordant, strident voices. Sometimes, though well meaning, these voices were wrong. Sometimes the voices of reason were right, but only in part.
They looked for the good that was everywhere and did their best to be partners for good. They minded their own citizenship. They adhered to their own spiritual protocols and rituals to protect their psyches from collateral damage.
They did not get into fights with others, trying to prove their point of view knowing that when you fight for a side, you cannot possibly find the anchor at the center. They understood their work to be to overcome their own darkness, to take the moat out of their own eye so that they could see and be a light in their own right.
They were one-pointed and single-minded and did not get trapped in the world of the senses which would lead them astray or put obstacles on their path or weaken their strength and vitality.
This story emerges from of a lineup of four planets in the sign Aquarius. This gives us universal access to inner knowledge, where you know for yourself. If you do not know for yourself, you do not have the ability to hold on when there is stress and strife.
Planets in Aquarius say, “know for thyself.” To know for thyself is to know within thyself.
What do you know that you can’t be talked out of and do not need to talk another into?