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Attend to the Present

Writer's picture: Inez SingletaryInez Singletary

New Moon | Solar Eclipse – Summer Solstice | June 21, 2020 | 0 Cancer 21’

Black Madonna Of Cacao | Miriam Kasin

Outer change begins within. Everything that manifests begins in the dark. To try to change the plant after it has become what the seed compelled it to be, is to labor fruitlessly. At 0 degrees of Aquarius retrograde, Saturn is outer change. The New Moon Solar Eclipse at 0 degrees is within. The New Moon in Cancer, sign of home is family is saying, stay home. Go within. Plant new seeds not old memories.

Zero degrees always represents a new beginning, a fresh slate, infinite potential. With 0 Aquarius we have a brief portal in which we might make a big difference.

It has been said that those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. The truth may be that those who cling to history and make an identity of it, may be doomed to repeat it. What you give your attention to multiplies. By making an identity of it, I mean it is as if you are saying, I am the wronged, I am the victim. See me, see victim. I shall wear this label and bear this identity until you, perpetrator, see me differently. Nothing for me to do but wait for you or demand of you. Only you can change me.

In The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle says, “You may think that you need more time to understand the past or become free of it, in other words, that the future will eventually free you of the past. This is a delusion. Only the present can free you of the past. More time cannot free you of time. Access the power of Now. That is the key.

What is the power of Now? None other than the power of your presence, your consciousness liberated from thought forms. So deal with the past on the level of the present. The more attention you give to the past, the more you energize it, and the more likely you are to make a “self” out of it.

Don’t misunderstand: Attention is essential, but not to the past as past. Give attention to the present; give attention to your behavior, to your reactions, moods, thoughts, emotions, fears, and desires as they occur in the present. There’s the past in you. If you can be present enough to watch all those things, not critically or analytically but nonjudgmentally, then you are dealing with the past and dissolving it through the power of your presence. You cannot find yourself by going into the past. You find yourself by coming into the present.”

This past week I visited my beloved Huntington Gardens in San Marino, California. It was the first time they reopened since the coronavirus shut it down in March. The rose garden was in enthusiastic full bloom, luscious with color and fragrance and show-off variety. I passed a couple sitting on a bench taking it all in. I greeted them with a hearty good morning. They returned my greeting, smiles in their voices, but as I walked on I thought, what if they spoke to me reluctantly, just to not seem rude. What if they thought, “We voted for Trump, we do not like you.” Just passing thoughts, idly informed by current events. Then I found a place along the exit path to sit a while before my final exit. The same couple came by from my left. I didn’t notice them until the man said, “Good morning again!”

Oops and thank you Universe. My reverie about them was apparently wrong. They could have easily walked by me without acknowledging me, but they did not. I realize that my inner parts wanted to me to reassess my assumptions.

I hope this is an example of being present enough to realize that I was telling myself a story which not only negated my own friendliness, but could have been a seed that laid in the quiet, ready to attract some more seeds so that I would have a false narrative to overlay my world.

Today’s thoughts make the soil for tomorrow’s experiences.


From Tolle: Give attention to the present; give attention to your behavior, to your reactions, moods, thoughts, emotions, fears, and desires as they occur in the present. There’s the past in you. If you can be present enough to watch all those things, not critically or analytically but non-judgmentally, then you are dealing with the past and dissolving it through the power of your presence.

Writing/Art/Doodle prompts: 1. Imagine you are living your ideal life. How are you different? 2. Believing in your own power, what seed might you plant today that would manifest in the morrow? 3. Own your power. Describe the change you would like to see in yourself.

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